Roselina Muhagachi scammer

If you get in contact with Roselina Nyangige Muhagachi, be very careful and don’t give her anything.

Roseline Muhagachi will be pretty, smile at you and make you feel like you are the only one. The second Roseline Muhagachi gets what she wants from you she will be gone.

Trust me, I am married to Roseline Muhagachi and I was her ticket to Europe.

The total cost was around 25.000, – dollars and this is only that low because I surprised her.

The pictures below will show that Roseline Muhagachi is my wife.

Watch my mahari (bride price): Video


Truth be told #truthbetold

Read the full “story” below or maybe just “the beginning of the end”

All I wanted was a sweet wife who would give birth to my child and live like a family, but I got Roseline Muhagachi there is a horrible human being and a scammer who used me to come to Holland where she is now living.

Roseline Muhagachi short biography

Call herself: seline_official, Seline, Selina, Nadina, Nalina, Roseline, Roselina Muhagachi, and probably many more.

Real name: Roselina Nyangige Muhagachi

Address in Dar es Salaam: Cool apartments 5B (67GJ+H34, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

Tribe: I will not mention her tribe because her family has not been a part of it for long and they should not suffer for her doing.

Father and mother: Due to respect for the family I will not mention them here.

Today she lives in Holland because of me.

Like the saying: Truth be told

Social media





Snapchat name: seline_tz

The story

All you see in bracket () is what I found out after we got married.
There will be things I can’t tell because it will be revealed who told me this, so there are parts left out.

I met her on the Badoo app in January 2022 where Roseline Muhagachi was so nice to me, and I felt like we were agreeing about everything also how a future relationship should be.

I was asking what Roseline Muhagachi thought about the 15 years age difference, and she just wanted the right person to share her life together.

Roseline Muhagachi was working at UNESCO in Dar es Salaam, and I checked the website that shows she is on the staff. If you google her, you will find her music videos and actor jobs. She plays Jen in the series Yalaiti there is playing on Bongo TV all over east Africa and some other series. So, this woman looks like a normal woman who has a normal job and a fine life living in Tanzania. This woman looks as legit as you would expect.

We are talking and Roseline Muhagachi tells me that she is going to visit Copenhagen soon because of her work and that’s why her location is set to Copenhagen and not Dar es Salaam where she lives. We talk a lot and I pick her up at the airport with flowers and drive her to her friend’s place where Roseline Muhagachi is going to live for the next week. The following week I drive her around to different places in Copenhagen where she attends this FN meeting, she is here for. Some of the places I think are a bit weird but what do I know. (She went on different dates, and I was her driver). At the end of the week, I put her back at the airport and on a plane.

After this week I book a flight to Dar es Salaam 2 months later so we can meet again because I think Roseline Muhagachi is fantastic and I want her in my life, so we keep writing and doing video calls. The one thing that ignores me is that on weekends Roseline Muhagachi is going to bed around 9 pm and get up at 13 pm or later the next day, but Roseline Muhagachi tells me she is a bit depressed about her economy and likes to spend time in bed so when Roseline Muhagachi sleeps, she does not think of money issues. (What happened here is that when Roseline Muhagachi told me she has gone to bed, she gets dressed and go on dates, selling herself and she is targeting big money)

I get to Dar es Salaam a bit delayed because of Turkish Airlines but everything is fine, Roseline Muhagachi will pick me up but when I’m calling her after I land, she has not even left her house yet. Well, I wait for a long while and she finally picked me up. I have rented a house where we can stay because Roseline Muhagachi will be there with her child and then she doesn’t want me to be in her home which seems fair for the child. Roseline Muhagachi sleeps with me that night and everything is fantastic, I have met the woman of my dreams. The next day Roseline Muhagachi already brings her child, maid, and cousin to stay in the house with us which I found a bit weird because then we could have stayed at her place.

It starts well we are together laughing and having a lot of fun. But when it’s the weekend Roseline Muhagachi suddenly have to go on set for the series Yalaiti and I find it a bit weird they arrange that with so a short timeline, but Roseline Muhagachi tells me that’s normal. When she leaves the house Roseline Muhagachi puts on her best clothes with I find strange because if you go on set they have makeup there. Roseline Muhagachi tells she will be back at 8 pm but every time this happens Roseline Muhagachi is out almost all night and have to go again the next day because they did not finish the day before. (What happens here is that Roseline Muhagachi is selling herself and because she is a semi-celebrity, they pay big money for this) So I’m at the house to visit her and take care of her child when she’s out cheating on me for money. This happens almost every weekend I’m there but of because I did not know that at that time. This pretty much covers the 3,5 weeks I was in Dar es Salaam.

I go back home to Denmark, and we talk almost every day when we get to the weekend she goes early to “bed”, and I believe her. (I know for a fact that one of my friends in Dar es Salaam saw her at a party in august at the Switzerland ambassador resident, where he told me that she was acting childish, flirting and fishing for big money, but at that time he did not know that this was my future wife) Roseline Muhagachi and I now start to plan how to get married and she is the one who is local and know how everything works. She talks to her dad who must invite me to talk about the mahari “bride price” and we find a date when I will visit her dad. “There is a link at the top where you on YouTube can see my mahari” everything is planned out and I have brought every plane ticket for Roseline Muhagachi, her daughter, and me. I have prepaid for all the extra things they require for a mahari.

I’m coming back to Dar es Salaam to be married to Roseline Muhagachi and everything is planned, I have 1 day when we need to collect my shirt and her dress. My shirt is too small and I’m out at the tailor too very late when he makes it fit. The next day we travel to Mwanza where there is a 4-hour drive to Tarime where her parents are living. I get a room at NK Leisure Hotel, and everything is fantastic I will soon have my wife. The next day I go to the mahari where Roseline Muhagachi’s brother Ladislaus Muhagachi made sure I had a best man whose name is Kevin and he is not a part of the family. I need Kevin because I don’t speak Kiswahili so he will my negotiator at the mahari. At the mahari everything goes as planned we agree on, I pay 8 cows for Roseline Muhagachi which is a high price but I’m okay because I want this woman. 1 cow is 700.000, – Tsh so it ends up at 5.600.000, – Tsh in mahari plus a lot of other things. I brought 5.000.000, – which I pay right away, and the 600.000, – the next day. Now my mahari is done and I have a wife in the African traditional way. We are there for one extra day before we go back to Dar es Salaam. When we are back in Dar es Salaam, we have 4 days before we go to Denmark and on the first day use Roseline Muhagachi at getting her court ruling stamped. This court ruling is fake I know this because she asked me to help her economical to bribe a judge to make this because Roseline Muhagachi wants to be the only caretaker of her daughter. (This shows to be extremely important later) Then Roseline Muhagachi visited different offices to make this ruling legal in Holland. The next day we get married at a local courthouse where she also has bribed someone for this to go quick without too many questions. Now we also visit different offices in Dar es Salaam to get our marriage registered with the government registration office, visit foreign services to get a stamp, then the Danish embassy to get another stamp, and so on. Now everything is ready to go to Denmark and everything is correctly legalized (All this Roseline Muhagachi knows all about and it runs like a machine).

This is the beginning of the end

We go to the airport in Dar es Salaam and Roseline Muhagachi has a flight 4 hours before mine because she wants to enter Europe in Amsterdam and not Denmark. (I never understood this but today I know she has something running in Amsterdam) When Roseline Muhagachi and my daughter arrived in Denmark I made sure my parents are there, so she is not alone in the airport for 4 hours waiting for me. My parents buy them food, but they tell me that she uses her phone for a long time and then goes to sleep so they almost not talking with her and she’s ignoring them. I’m arriving and we all go to my apartment in Grenaa where I already have made everything ready for their arrival.

We are in Denmark for a week and then we travel to our apartment in Enschede in Holland. Roseline Muhagachi is very interested in that I’m getting registered in Holland so I can get a social security number called BSN. When I have the BSN I can go to integrations and register her as legal stay in Holland and this she pushes me against because she wants to work and her “sister” in Didam can give her a job right away. I believe Roseline Muhagachi and we are working hard to make this because I have to go back to my apartment in Denmark so I can put everything in storage and give the apartment back to the landlord. Everything works out I managed to get everything in order before I have to travel back to Denmark for a week. Our apartment in Enschede is not near a city so you have to walk 2,5 km just to get a bus, so I can not leave my wife and child here for a week when I’m in Denmark, so we decide that she can stay at her “sister” in Didam and I have given her a credit card with money so she can buy food and take care of herself and daughter when I’m gone.

We have one hour drive to her “sisters” place, so I drive them there the day before I go back to Denmark, so I know they got there safe. The next day I’m going to Denmark and start packing my apartment in boxes and over the weekend, I have some friends helping me put everything in storage. I give the apartment back to the landlord and drive back to Holland but are there late at night. So, I sleep and then I’m working in the morning, I’m normally done working around 4 pm so I told Roseline Muhagachi that I will pick her and her daughter up at 5 pm. This day I get a message on my phone at 8:33 am that Roseline Muhagachi has used my credit card in Amsterdam which is a 1,5-hour drive away from her “sisters” place, this confuses me because I rarely see Roseline Muhagachi out of her bed before 9 am and why is she in Amsterdam and not Didam this early? I think we just talk about this later when I pick her up and keep working, then she uses my credit card again at 1:11 pm but now in Hilversum which is a city between Amsterdam and Didam. Now I start wondering what is going on, so I try calling Roseline Muhagachi but she doesn’t pick up. I write her about why she’s not picking up but she does not answer me. Then she uses my credit card again in Arnhem at 2:46 pm which is a city near Didam.

I decided since I can’t get in contact with Roseline Muhagachi there is my new wife that I will go 1 hour early just because I miss my family and will surprise them. So I get off work at 3:00 pm and still haven’t heard anything from Roseline Muhagachi I start driving to her “sisters” place, and when I’m 30 minutes away she writes me, “Hello !! Sorry I was in Arhem and got lost and I didn’t have data and I was with ‘daughters name’” and then Roseline Muhagachi writes “I will write/call you soon when I settle”. Since I was driving, I did not answer these 2 messages and I would be there in around 30 minutes. (Fact the first time at 8:33 am Roseline Muhagachi used my credit card in Amsterdam this day is at Lebara BV which is selling phone data but of course, she can’t tell me this, then I would know she has been in Amsterdam all night without telling me).

I arrive at the house and ring the doorbell, and nothing happens which I also find strange since I think Roseline Muhagachi’s message says that she is at the house, so I ring the doorbell again and after a long time, the “sisters” “son” Richard is opening the door. I say, “Hi I’m here to pick up Roseline and ‘daughter’s name’” and Richard answers “They are not here”, I say “Okay that’s strange because Roseline Muhagachi told me that she would be here”. Richard says, “I’m sorry but you can wait inside if you like?”. At this point, I’m thinking about what is going on, and I’m pretty sure my wife is lying to me, so I don’t want this Richard involved in this so I say “No thanks I think I will just wait in the car” but Richard keeps insisting that I should wait inside so I do.

Inside Richard is very friendly and asks me if I want something to drink and so on, but my focus is to find out where my wife is. So, I start asking Richard if he knows where Roseline Muhagachi is and how she got there and this Richard is the worst liar in the world and mixing things up, so what he didn’t know before he knows now and so on. Now I know something is very wrong here and I would like to see their room where they are staying so I’m saying that “Roseline Muhagachi has my computer and I would like to look something up, so if it would be okay if I go to the room and get it?”. Richard looks at me and says, “I can go get it for you?” You know at this point I know this guy is lying and my wife is lying but I say, “Okay you can go get it for me” when he is going upstairs, I follow him, and he does not like that, but we are outside their door, and he looks at me and says “ssshhhhh” I’m wondering until he opens the door and I can see the daughter sleeping in the bed. I take my computer from the floor and tell Richard that I’m leaving now.

I’m going to my car while writing Roseline Muhagachi that I would like her to call me now, but she does not answer. I am still very confused about what’s happening here the only thing I know is that my new wife and this Richard are lying to me, so I think maybe she needs help with her daughter and just wrote me in advance, so I type in the train station on GPS and starts driving there. When I’m 1 or 2 minutes away she writes me again. Roseline Muhagachi writes “Hey” then I write “I was at your sister’s to pick you up and you have been lying” then Roseline Muhagachi writes “Lying about what,” I write “’Daughters name’ is here” then she writes “I’m here” Then I write “Just been inside and you are not here” then she writes “I was just wanted to see your reaction and we need to talk” then I write “Lol”, “what are you talking about” so I drive back to the house and write Roseline Muhagachi “Come out” so I think we can talk about all this but she takes her time to come out, but finally Roseline Muhagachi comes out and she just walks directly to me and starts a fight. We argue for a short time and she goes inside and slams the door that was the last time I saw my wife. (What happened here is she did not need me anymore; I have given her a pass to Holland and now she just wants me out of her life)

After all this, I think Roseline Muhagachi is just mad at me because of all the ague, so I try writing her, calling her, and Voice messages, but she doesn’t answer me much and, in the evening, she says that she wants a divorce. My heart is breaking, and I’m so confused about what just happened so I keep trying to talk with her because we have been married for 27 days so I think everyone would fight just a bit to stay married, but she just keeps telling me that I’m mentally abusing her and a lot of other stuff. I send her a long voice message where I say I’m sorry if she feels that I’m mentally abusing her and that maybe I have just been under a lot of pressure in all this moving and so on. But she is cold as ice, and she still is the day today.
I sit all alone in this apartment in Holland without my wife and daughter for 3 days then I call one of my friends and tell what happened, he says “I think you have been scammed”, I get mad at him and we discuss this for an hour, finally he says “okay, what about you call migrations and tell them the story, they have probably heard about this before” I agree with him and call migrations and tell the same story, they say right away please call out fraud department and tell this again. So, I call the fraud and they know right away that Roseline Muhagachi has scammed me and I am now aware of what happened to me and that is rough because I really love this woman and child.

Today I know I have been scammed and it still hurt a lot, but I have made this site to prevent it from happing to someone else in their encounter with Roseline Muhagachi, I’m not looking for revenge but just want her to stop doing this. All I wanted was a sweet wife, who would give me a child and live like a happy family, but this was what I got instead.

What happened inside the house with Roseline Muhagachi and Richard and why she need to hide from me I have no idea, but I just know I probably caught them in something because I was an hour early. They were using so much time to get out and today I don’t care.

I want your help

If you in any way can help me it would be very appreciated, maybe you meet this woman please tell me about it and if you had any evidence, I would like to receive that. If you anything please just send it to me.

Contact me by


phone/WhatsApp: +45 5180 5191

Instagram: Just.jan.keeeping.busy

seline_official, Seline, Selina, Nadina, Nalina, Roseline, Roselina, Nyangige, Muhagachi, truth be told, #truthbetold

To be continued……